Upload failed message

I am using a new phone, a Honor 90 Lite (Android), with MS SwiftKey as keyboard. All my projects work 100% correct on the simulator as well as on my old Android phone.
On the new phone the projects work correctly, allowing me to add the data as necessary. However, when I am finished and try to upload the data to my online databasis, I only get the message “Upload failed”. No data is uploaded to the databasis.

Hi Johan,

To confirm, this is with Online and not Classic, correct?

This might be an intermittent problem, i.e. perhaps the server was down. Are you still seeing it?


Hi Justin

Yes, it is with Online.

Don’t think it is intermittent. I am using my old phone the same time and it is uploading the data. The same with the simulator - no problems. And the new phone still does not upload.

I suspect it has to do with some setting in the new phone. But I don’t know yet where to look. Will appreciate if one of you can point me in the right direction.


Not sure. Can you access the internet on your new phone?

Yes, no problem accessing the internet with the new phone.

There is an option off the settings page called “Upload requires WiFi”. Any chance that got checked somehow?

If not, please send me a bug report (at the bottom of the settings page).

A colleague of mine also had a failed upload after gathering data for the first time. Is there a way to get the data right off of the phone when uploading fails? I’ve been searching through the files on my own phone trying to find where data is stored and have been unable to locate it.

We currently do not have a way to get data off the phone in this scenario. Do you know why the phone cannot connect to the internet? Also, Online does not have a way to add data manually, so it would need to come from the device.


Thanks for your fast reply, Justin. The phone is connecting to the internet just fine. It successfully uploaded a quick test observation that was taken after failing to upload the data gathered in the field. But continues to give an “upload failed” error on multiple wifi networks.

I’m also a little puzzled about there being no way to access CT Mobile data on the phone. It must be stored on the phone somehow–I’m just can’t figure out where. I’ve found the database for my sequence, but can’t find any of the photos or data.

My colleague generated a bug report, but couldn’t see where she was supposed to send it.

You will get upload failed if any of the targets ever used on the device is bad. So for example if you tried to send to a bad FTP site, then you will always get this error.

If you create a bug report and send it to me, I will take a look.


How do we send you a bug report? I don’t see an email address for you. Should we just email it to ourselves and post it here?

Also, can you offer any insight on where the data is stored on the phone? I’d like to at least retrieve the photos.

You can send it to justin@steventon.com.

You should be able to see the data on the phone by navigating to \Android\data\org.cybertracker.mobile.ct\files.

Thanks, Justin.

I had found this folder in my earlier searches. I was able to locate and more-or-less interpret some of the files that defined the project sequence I built, but I was not able to locate any of the data I collected nor any of the photos I took. I’m continue my searches. In the meantime, I’ll have m colleague send you a bug report.

Hi! I found this topic open, and I have exactly the same issue: upload failed!
I set everything up on my phone, and that works perfectly. Then, I added a colleague to the project. He has the same phone as me and created his own account. I gave him editor access. The QR code works perfectly, but after collecting some data, he cannot upload the data. I checked everything, the Wi-Fi or 4G, but nothing is working. I do not think it comes from the internet connection since when I am modifying something online on my computer, the phone detects that my colleague needs an update of the project, and he is able to do so.
I don’t know what I am missing, while it works perfectly on my own phone. Something I have noticed in the dashboard, however, is that I have two members but only one data collector. I don’t know if the problem can come from here or if it is just because only one person has been able to upload the data.Thank you for your kind help.

Could you check the setting “Upload requires WiFi” - perhaps that is set. If you send me a bug report from the device (also under Settings), then I will analyze it and see what might be going wrong.


Hi Justin,
Thank you for your kind answer.
I tried the setting “Upload requires WiFi”, but the issue is still there.
I send you a bug report from the device, as requested.
Thank you again for your kind help.
Best regards,

Hi Gwen, I did not receive a report. Could you please resend?

Hi Justin,
Oh weird. Thank you for letting me know. I sent it from the phone of my colleague Rohit (with his email address) since he is the one experiencing this issue.
I will ask him to resend it to you, but just in case, you can check into your junk box.

Thanks Gwen, I found it.

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Great! Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help resolve this issue.