GPS satellites visible but not recording

Dear Group
After recording, at the stage when the ‘satellites’ are visible on the screen, the GPS position seems not to download and i am stuck on the ‘satellite’ screen, or i have to go back, to get out, and as such, no recording.
This happened after i made a new project. All three my other projects behaves the same.
Permission for location use, is granted.
Can any please advise what i could do?

See and Justin solved the problem.

Much appreciated.
I cleared the CT cache and it works, i.e., the GPS data is saved. thx.

The problem has not been solved. Clearing the cache was only supposed to be a stop-gap temporary solution and also did not work. After clearing the cache I did fieldwork and only the first 20 points were located correctly, the other 100 were recorded in the same position. I subsequently did another trip and all the data was lumped at one GPS location. I’m using the same Samsung phone with which I have recorded thousands of data points before.

Right, we’re not aware of any issues right now, so this sounds a bit different. Can I get a bug report?

How do I send a bug report?

Instructions here:
Troubleshooting | CyberTracker Wiki

In case the file is too large for email (send to, could you please put it on a web drive (like Google Drive) and send the link to me?

Note, the latest build is 1.0.512. Are you experiencing problems with that or prior builds?
