Download data from Iphone

I am using an iphone 13 mini.
On the phone the projects work correctly, allowing me to add the data as necessary. However, when I am finished and try to upload the data to my online database, I only get the message “Upload failed”. No data is uploaded to the database. Iwas wondering if there’s a way to download the data from the Iphone to a computer. Thanks in advance

Hi Antonio

Are you using CyberTracker Online? I don’t find you as a user in CyberTracker Online (although you might have registered with a different email address there). I’m thinking you might be using CyberTracker Classic?

Does the phone have an internet connection at the time when you try to upload the data?

Kind regards, Kate

Thanks for your answer Kate, im using cybertracker classic and looks like we’re having issues with the server where the informatin must be uploaded, so I need to know how to download the data that was captured with my iphone to a local device.

Thank you so much

Thanks Antonio. I think @justinsteventon or @HolgerR will have to help you, but not sure if this article is relevant in the meantime?

sorry, I have no information which file type has which kind of data. I’m able only handling the ctx.

Please take care that USB connection is working generally. Can you see the files in some file explorer on PC?

by the way: Please write version of CT, version of windows and Android or IOS . tnx.

Cheers Holger