Unable to open database following crash


CyberTracker suddenly crashed while I was just finishing working on a new application. Now I cannot open the database

When I go to open it , it seems to be loading it but then gives the following error message

CT01 Database Connection Error

Data provider or other service returned an E_FAIL status

What does this mean? Is there anything I can do to recover the application?


Eren Turak Sydney

Dr. Eren Turak

Principal Scientist Biodiversity Research and Assessment NSW Department of Planning, Industry and the Environment

4 Parramatta Square, Parramatta 2150 NSW

Co- chair, Freshwater Biodiversity Observation Network (FWBON)

Tel: (02)99955506 Email: eren.turak@environment.nsw.gov.au

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We have also ran into this CT01 problem and looking for a solution, did you manage to open the application?