Sucessfully send data shows next time "Data ready" again

I’ve checked two projects with different target for the data. Same result. I have successfully send data with result “no data”. The data are seen in data target. Than I close project and open again and move to the screen for sending data. There stand “Ready”… If I push the send button, “no data” occurs immediately and I goes there is also no transfer. It seems it is independent from usage of own Send data screen with “send data control” (in my both cases) or by use of send data register in “Options”.
CT v3.533 and app 1.0.501

I think this typically happens when your track timer is generating new data all the time. Do you have it enabled?

Justin, there is no track timer enabled in both cases

Please send a bug report with instructions on how to reproduce.

I hope it helps, Justin Dropbox

I have several projects and the file is very big. My checks were held with the projects “AchaeoSurveyTRacker V1.04” and “Bauhof V0.0.4” .

The steps were:

  • track timer is OFF → collect some data
  • send data in state of “Ready” (“AchaeoSurveyTRacker V1.04” to own website but “Bauhof V0.0.4” to Publish server) => state = “No data”
  • close the project (e.g. with the “X” in Option dialogue)
  • open the project again and find “Ready” again

Thanks Holger, I have investigated this and it is a cosmetic issue. There is no data to send, it just has not properly detected that state in this case. It will be fixed in an upcoming release, but in the meantime, please ignore it.

Thanks Justin, I will tell it to the user. Good day.