Latitude format displays incorrectly in app

Good day all

I have noticed a bug in the current CyberTracker version where the latitude field does not display the correct coordinate format on the device. My sequence is set to show Decimal degrees but the latitude field seems to return a UTM value (in both the “Fix” screen and the sighting record on the device). The longitude field returns a correct DD value. The point itself correctly displays on the map and when downloaded and viewed on the desktop app the latitude field is correctly recorded.
If I change the format to DMS both coordinates display correctly.
Does anyone have a way to correct this bug?

(Attachment IMG-20220715-WA0003.jpg is missing)

Hi Chenay,

Do you have a screen shot of this?

I am not clear on where you are seeing it.


Hi Justin

Sorry for the late reply. Please see the incorrect latitude value. This seems to be the only place where this value displays incorrectly. The latitude value displaying when the data is downloaded is the correct DD format.


Hi Chenay and Justin.

After recently updating our cybertracker environment to v3532 I have the same problem. Both in the ‘Navigator’ and in a ‘Static GPS Control’ used at the final screen to check before saving data.

How can this bug be fixed at the user level? I would appreciate some information despite the time past since this incident was detected.


Hi Basti
Unfortunately nothing I have tried from the end user side made any difference to this error. I think it has something to do with an operating system / version incompatability, as not all my devices have this error even though they are all on the same CyberTracker version.
As it is only a display error (the data is recorded correctly in the database) we ended up sending our affected patrols out with a second small GPS from which they can read the coordinates when they have to report a location in real time. Not ideal but it gets the job done.

Hi Chenay
Thanks for your reply. I finally solved it by changing to ‘Degrees minutes seconds’ format in ‘Edit Application/GPS/Data display’ as it seems that the error, at least for us, only appears in the ‘Decimal degrees’ format.
Thanks and best regards