Issues with uploading to my FTP

Just recently CT is no longer sending data to my FTP and I’ve not changed anything. I am getting a failure to send notice when I attempt it. Any ideas on what is going on? TIA


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Is you FTP-Server in Europa? Since some time the providers in Europa do not support FTP-protocol more because of laws in cyber security. They support only SFTP, but unfortunately CyberTracker does not support this SFTP-protocol. I recommend to switch over to the Publish function if possible.
Holger, Germany

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Hi Holger,

My FTP server is not in Europa. I made some updates to some of the elements in the file but did not change anything else. It was uploading fine before I made those changes and now it is not uploading. So I don’t know if I accidentally did something to change the upload although I did not change any of those parameters.


If you send me a bug report, I can take a look and see why the data is stuck. Usually this happens when the FTP server changes passwords etc.

So the data now appears to be sending but is not showing up on my FTP site. I’ve double-checked all the user ID and passwords and everything is correct. What have I managed to screw up?

Hi Denise,

If you send me a bug report from your device, I will check it out.


I’ve attached the bug report to this email.

(Attachment is missing)

Could you please send it to me at You will probably need to put it on web drive (like Google Drive) and send me the link as these files can be larger than email allows.


Hi Denise,

Your ftp provider gave you the address with a username and password. When I connect to that it says you need to upload files to the “htdocs” folder. So I created a subfolder under there called “CyberTrackerData”. Your full ftp URL should therefore be “”.

Using that, your data should upload and download properly.
