Installation on Android - App Permission Management

In some cases (depends on device I guess) and with last version(s) we have a problem in permission management of CyberTracker App. During fresh installation the user will asked for permissions. Especially if the permission of location is answered with “Allow access only while using the app”, the GPS in CyberTracker is not working correctly . An addition step is necessary to go to basic system in app settings → permission management → location and give CyberTracker the permanent permission. I’m not sure what happened if during installation the permanent permission is given instead of “Allow access only while using the app”. Does someone share this observation similary?
Holger, Germany

Hi Holger,

Newer Android versions require a permission called “Background location” in order to properly capture tracks. We noticed that some devices remove your app from the foreground when the screen goes off, so that is the requirement.

To proceed, you have to check “Allow all the time” to proceed. It will still only capture data when CyberTracker is running, but this will let other things take the focus and the track will still be captured.

Since many apps do not even use the track timer, we need to make a change to not request that permission unless it is actually needed.


Thanks Justin for explaining: I will make an instruction to the costumers to set “Allow all the time”. From my point of view this problem is solved.

Hi Holger,

Note that we just released a new build (465) which has a couple of extra popups on Android. These were required for compliance with the Google Play store policies.

If you do make a video, could you please post it here as well?


Justin, I’ve “found” a new Android smartphone without CyberTracker installation yet. There I have installed CyberTracker and it was without problems. I’ve installed again with “permission of location only during run” to see what happened. After start, CyberTracker give a hint to allow location permanently. And it works fine. In my eyes it is logic and it is working. (Sorry, was not able to make a video on this phone.)
Cheers Holger