I try to find some documentation about the design of CSV to import item lists. And what is the coding of CSV (UTF-8, comma separated, MS-DOS, …)?
I always get : " No list items imported. Please correct the following errors:
Thanks for help
Hi @HolgerR
I haven’t done the documentation yet, sorry, I will get onto it 
In the Import List Items from CSV screen, there is a link that says Download Template.

Download that - it is a sample file in the right format, with the right column heading etc, and three sample list items. Just replace those list items with your own (you can add more), resave as CSV, and import that. (Must be CSV not Excel).
Kind regards, Kate
Thanks Kate, now it works. In the first cell must stand “label”. In the future would it be possible to load not only text but icons too?
Great, glad it’s working for you.
Yes, we could extend it to icons, but this would involve two steps for the user:
- Prepare the CSV with the icon filename for each list item (something like the below)
- Bulk upload all the images

Is this something like what you had in mind?
My question is whether it is maybe more work to prepare the CSV with all the filenames than just to upload the icons one by one to the correct list item?
Kind regards, Kate
Many thanks for fast answer. Kate I agree with you in the case of building complete new project. But some of my species lists from CyberTracker classic have around 1000 animals in 3 languages and lots of icons. It would be more easy for me if I can use comfortable import functions. By the way: How the “Normal user” can do an bulk upload to CT online?
Hi Holger
So if we did get to the point of importing icons I think I will get back to you at that point, because I am not too sure what you have in mind.
Meantime, your question: How the “Normal user” can do an bulk upload to CT online?
I assume by bulk upload you mean Import List items from CSV? Or otherwise what bulk upload are you talking about?
And also, what do you mean by “normal user”? There are three user roles in CT Online - Admin, Editor and Guest. Both Admins and Editors can edit applications, including Import List Items.
Does that answer your question, or what did you mean?
Kind regards, Kate
Thanks for explaining, Kate.
… is a point I’ve copied from your answer above. I thought you mean something like FileZilla where I can upload data to my folder. But I guess, your implementation is different, so no user will see the place on server directly. If I can upload the icons with CSV, I’m not sure in which way the icons can be placed into the CSV by itself. I think there is only a name possible. So how the import process can find the right icon for upload?
With “normal user” I meant Editor.
By the way: it was only an upcoming question. My former classic projects are very complex and I try to understand how I can use online projects instead.