Import elements from Excel

Last time I’ve used the function successfully with other columns of elements.

Now I would use it for “Json Id”. To fill the column with text.

  1. export the element list to Excel
  2. copy the text from “name” into “Json Id” column
  3. paste from excel

=> But it does not work. The Json Id column is in all of my tries filled wrong, with content of column before, not with excel content.

It works by hand, but not with Excel export/ import.

Has someone similar experiences with copy from Excel?

Holger, Germany

Hi Holger,

If I do the following:

  1. Use “Choose Columns” and use “Name” and “Json id”
  2. Open Excel and create the following (note 2 columns):
    Hello J1
    World J2
  3. Copy to clipboard in Excel
  4. Use Edit->Paste Elements from Excel in CyberTracker

Then it works for me.

Could you say more about what does not work?


Justin, my 1st step was exporting element list into Excel with empty Json Id column, because I did not want to lose other settings for the elements. But I will try to reduce the element list like in your first point.

a) If I reduce the columns only to “name” and “Json Id” and export to excel, then fill out Column Json Id and past from excel into CyberTracker desktop → it works (and it doesn’t forget the other entries in element list).
b) If I not reduce the columns and use all (name, scientific name, alias1, alias2, category, icon 32 and json id) and make the same steps => past from excel fills wrong columns