CyberTracker is freeware, but we are not sure how to cite that we used it

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

we are a group of archaeologists from the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and the archaeological heritage state department of Bavaria (BLfD), Germany who at the moment work on a CyberTracker project we baptized “ArcheoSurveyTRAcker”. It will be designed to help private collectors to document archaeological surface sites they survey for artifacts. The project is non-profit, of course, and will be managed jointly by the FAU and BLfD.
We used the CyberTracker software and provided a structure useful for us. We hope that we can release this app of CyberTracker in the second half of 2023. What we would like to know is the following: we know that CyberTracker is freeware, but we are not sure how to cite that we used it. We have a part of the app with acknowledgements and partners. Should CyberTracker (as organization, as software) be listed there, and if so, do you have a common text for this?

Thank you very much in advance
Yours sincerely

Holger, Germany on behalf of FAU / BlfD Germany

Hi @HolgerR , please see response below from Louis Liebenberg.

Hi Kate,

I think just a simple “Data collected with CyberTracker” will be good.

If they want to, they can also display our logo (attached).

Kind regards,

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Thanks Louis & Kate :slight_smile:

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