Coexistence of a version used for ongoing fieldwork and a test version

Hello dear CyberTracker team,

I’m used to work with a CyberTracker project for each long-term wildlife monitoring conducted in the lab. Modifications are made in each app (CT-classic) at the end of the season, and then the applications are updated by each user on their phones for the new data collection season (a few months between two collection seasons: tits, hamsters, badgers, penguins, etc.).

For one particular project, I would like to use, in parallel, a Version 1 for the ongoing fieldwork and a Version 2 to test modifications for the next field season. I would like to know if there is an alternative to the following solution:

(i) Using the “Manage applications” tool in CT-Classic to create a new application APPLIv2 by copying the screens from APPLIv1.
(ii) Generating the QR code with “Publish” for each application (2 projects on CT-mobile)
(iii) In the field, using APPLIv1 to collect and send data for the current fieldwork.
(iv) In the lab, using APPLIv2 to improve the application for the next season without disrupting the ongoing data collection (for example, adding new screens to collect a new type of data).

By doing this, the “Download data” step integrates the data sent to both APPLIv1 and APPLIv2 into the same database (all sightings are displayed in the same ‘report’ section). I have a “Observer” screen with a single TEST element for APPLIv2 that is absent from the declared elements for the “Observer” screen in APPLIv1 (the Result Element name remains the same). This allows filtering on the “Observer” variable and separating observations sent by both versions: v2 if TEST, v1 if something else.

So far, this is the only solution I have found… Is there another way that I might have missed?

Thank you in advance,

(The first method I tested was:
(i) An APPLIv1.MDB application with, let’s say, two screens and some records.
(ii) I install APPLIv1 using the QR code from “Publish”.
(iii) Then use “Save as” to create APPLIv2.MDB (caution, message).
(iv) I delete the records that came from APPLIv1.
(v) Then make modifications in APPLIv2 (e.g., adding a third screen).
(vi) And generate a QR code for APPLIv2.
=> Scanning indicates “Already connected,” linked to the message during “Save as”)

Hi there,

If you intend to iterate on the new version, you probably do not want to have any way of corrupting the stable version. As such, you will want to manage it as an entirely different database.

When you originally create your new database, you can use the File->Save As to create a new file and then do not forget to reset the publishing options and re-publish. That will give you a new application. Also make sure to change the app name right away so you do not confuse yourself.
