Bug downloading data

Dear Justin,

I’m an experienced user of Cybertracker and I’m facing a problem I never had before.

I have a database called « AdLib ». I had to change its folder location and a couple of elements on it. I thus needed to re-install it on the field phone so that it known where to put the data from this « new » AdLib database. To do so :

  1. I opened my cybertracker desktop app, plug my phone, click on « install (USB)».

  2. It says « installation successful » BUT I got at this stage a new output in System-> Logs → UploadUrl :

INFO: Upload started from C:\Users\responsable\Documents\CyberTracker\System\Outgoing\ at 28/09/2024 12:00:40
STATUS: No files to upload
INFO: Upload started from C:\Users\responsable\Documents\CyberTracker\System\Outgoing\ at 28/09/2024 12:02:10
STATUS: No files to upload
INFO: Upload started from C:\Users\responsable\Documents\CyberTracker\System\Outgoing\ at 28/09/2024 12:03:04
STATUS: No files to upload
INFO: Upload started from C:\Users\responsable\Documents\CyberTracker\System\Outgoing\ at 28/09/2024 12:03:11
STATUS: No files to upload

  1. Nonetheless, the updated apps installs well on the phone

  2. Then, I enter data on the phone AdLib apps

  3. I plug my phone again to computer, open cybertracker on desktop, press « download data »

Here, I have the following message : « 1 sighting(s), 0 tracks, 0 file(s) download»

  1. But then the data do not show up in the database…

I can however find the data in the « backup » folder (not in the orphans, meaning that it did recognize which database to load the data into but didn’t).

I also at this stage have new output file in System-> Logs ->Download:

INFO: Download started at: 28/09/2024 12:19:21 3.533
INFO: ConnectCE fail (Device not found)
INFO: ConnectSD fail (Device not found)
INFO: ConnectWPD success ()
INFO: Download instance started at: 28/09/2024 12:19:22
INFO: Execute: Target is %Database%AdLib.MDB
INFO: Execute: 1 sighting(s) downloaded
INFO: Execute: 0 waypoint(s) downloaded
INFO: Execute: 0 log entries downloaded
INFO: Execute: 1883 element(s) downloaded
INFO: Execute: %Staging%AdLib_79F6428E_827AF9D6A10B4945972AD1D461305856.CTT created successfully
INFO: Completed succesfully at: 28/09/2024 12:19:22
INFO: ConnectWPD success (Device not found)
INFO: ConnectWPD success (Error searching for folder)
INFO: Download completed at: 28/09/2024 12:19:24

I tried to re-installed cybertracker on computer desktop and on the phone (via playstore). Same problem. I tried to create a new « simple » database from scratch and here it works (I can download data into this new database). So I wonder if my AdLib database is corrupted but I have 10 « old » databases and they all do the same bug. So unlikely.

Could you please give me some advice ?

Many thanks


Hi Alice,

Could you please confirm that you did not move your database file to a new location? This is the normal cause of this issue.

If you can please send me *justin@steventon.com) a copy of one of the databases that is broken, I will take a look. You will need to put the MDB file into a ZIP so that it does not get removed by the email systems. Otherwise, please put it on a web drive (like Google Drive) and send me a link.


Dear Justin,

Many thanks for your answer. I wrote you a personal email on the 28 sept to send you the database. I will re-send you an email today.

Thank you so much for your help



Hi Justin,

I send you an email on the 28th oct with the database. Did you receive it?


Hi Alice,

I see the above email chain, but I do not see one from you in my inbox (justin@steventon.com). Could you please resend the link?

Apologies for missing this.


OK So I will send you a 3rd email today but I used the correct email adress in the previous 2 emails. Maybe it’s my attachment that is not passing?

Thanks, I received your database and the download file.

To clarify, you are expecting to see data that was created on 28/09/2024, is that right?

When I open the database and change the date range of the “TOTAL” query to include this date, then I see 5 sightings made on 28/09/2024. Is this not the data you need?

Could you separately open the file “AdLib_79F6428E_827AF9D6A10B4945972AD1D461305856.CTX” from the Backup folder and check if that is what you are missing?

We have also seen some funky stuff happening when people have their database on a DropBox folder. Any chance that is happening for you?


Hola Justin

Un gusto saludarte,

Observando la conversacion que tienes con Alice, me parece interesante el tema del dropbox; la verdad estos dias he tenido inconvenientes con la base de datos donde trabajo realizando reportes forestales.

Me gustaria recibir tu asesoria depronto con el tema de la recupercion de archivos, ya que al momento de cargar informacion por cable USB a el programa me dice que este no actualiza y no me aparece el reporte.

Aclaro la encuesta que trabajo la manejo directamente en el Dropbox.

Agradezco tu asesoria


Hi Jose,

There seems to be a bug with having the database on DropBox. This works for OneDrive, so I guess it is a DropBox issue. Apologies, other than reports that this sometimes does not work, we do not know the cause of the issue. It does not appear to have anything to do with CyberTracker.
